Damman P11 Primer 15ml
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Name: Damman P11 Primer
Size: 15ml
Color: Transparent
Ingredients: Water, PVP, Polyacrylate, Ethanol
Operating temperature: 22℃-26℃
Operating humidity: 50%-65%
Shelf life: 2 years
1. Professional use only, for eyelash cleansing before eyelash extension, can longer lasting eyelash extension.
2. Please pay attention to the user's condition, avoid dripping into eyes, avoid fire sources, and store in a place without light source.
How to use?
Step 1: Use eye patches to isolate upper and lower eyelashes.
Step 2: Use a cotton swab to dip the Primer and clean from the root of the eyelashes to the tail of the eyelashes.
Step 3: After the cleaning(step 2), use a fan to dry your eyelashes to keep them dry.